Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The Earth is Restless...

It didn't surprise me to hear about the earthquake in California. The other day I read about Mount St. Helens might awaken soon. There's been a great deal of seismic activity in the Northwest region lately. Mount St. Helens erupted a t 8:32 Sunday morning, May 18, 1980.

I have a piece of Mount St. Helens. The castle is made from the volcanic ash of Mount St. Helens. It is one of the sculptures I bought when visiting Seattle some years ago.

1 comment:

Lisa-Marie Jordan said...

May 18, 1980 is a day I'll never forget! I was 14, and my parents and I were living in Colfax, Washington at the time. We ended up with several inches of ash. I still have a jar of that stuff - which my mom and I scooped up off the front deck - in my garage!