Saturday, September 25, 2004

Seeking Justice

Ofrenda para las mujeres de Cuidad Juarez Posted by Hello

Violence continues to plague the Cuidad Juarez. This article was appeared this week. Wouldn't it be nice if the Mexican government showed genuine concern for these slain women & the safety of its citizens versus solely for the safety of tourists?


Aleksu said...

Drugs, corruption, sex tourism, poverty, macho culture, indiference...

The odds are stacked against the women of Ciudad Juarez.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Ah, the CJ ads are popping out. Vacation AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Anonymous said...

I really wanted to go to this event, but it was a long and exhausting week for me. I plan on going to the exhibit especially now that you've added such great teasers.

What is happening in Juarez is just dreadful. Have you seen the documentary 'Srta Extraviada'. Its really sad and creepy. Its amazing how the Mexican government has been so incompetent in stopping the hundreds of murders that have occurred.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

I did see that documentary at the Latino film festival.