Monday, September 13, 2004

Why? Why?

Why does Paris Hilton have a book? Confessions of an Heiress. She and a ghost writer are the authors of the memoir. Even her dog had a book published. Why don't publishing companies give some real, talented authors a break?


Aleksu said...

Because we live in a society that worships instant gratification and has replaced the need to kneel in front of members of a royal house with a number of tabloid celebrities.

Then we have arrogant tv personalities trying to validate books like "Anna Karenina" which is a masterpiece of literature instead of using their clout to promote an author down on his/her luck.

Anonymous said...

Because money talks. Could you imagine how many teeny boppers are going to go out and get this.

AnalisaGuzman said...

Oh God. As if Paris Hilton had anything intelligent to say. Oh, Heiress, give us your wisdom!!!!!!!!

Diana said...

No one wants to hear anything intelligent anymore.