Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Bad News for Some Caffeine Junkies

Luckily, I've stopped my "expensive" habit at this joint. Now, I am happy with the DD or the cafe con leche from Nescafe.


Anonymous said...

I love their chai. I'm not too crazy about their coffee, its too strong.

Matt said...

Mocha frapaccino, with whip -- yummm!

guiam said...

starbucks coffee makes me physically ill...but then again, i have a serious history of caffeine overdose from taking so much NoDoz, and as a recovering addict starbucks really kicks my ass.

Aleksu said...

The joy of living in the boondocks.

No real Starbucks here, just an outlet at Barnes & Noble.

Diana said...

I have track marks on my arms from shooting up caffine;)

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

I added a link to Nescafe website. Read about how others consume their cup of brew.