Monday, October 04, 2004

Laughing with Mat

Mat from Kill Hannah posted another juicy journal entry. I truly enjoyed this passage.

I went to the gym for exercise last night because I believe that every man should be able to either fight well, or run fast as hell, and at this point I can do neither. I started on the treadmill and immediately regretted the decision. Within 3 minutes I think I had a small stroke, so I decided to go out for a drink.
There’s a place I can go where my drinks are complimentary. The only problem is that once you accept the first free drink, then it’s very impolite to turn one down ever again. -Doesn’t sound like much of an issue, right? but I happen to be friends with one of the worst bartenders in the nation, so now I’m obliged to ingest whateverthefuck she designs, whenever. This last shot looked cloudy and pink and tasted surprisingly bearable at first, -like bitter, mealy, suntan lotion. –but that was before I exhaled: “This is disgusting. How could you have possibly combined the elements you have behind that bar to create a shot that tastes like… like… blue cheese?” “Screw you, Mat. It’s free. How can you be so ungrateful?” “Ungrateful? Your shots taste like coconuts and cheese. I should’ve stayed at the gym”


dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

The whole exercise and stroke comments are funnier if you know what Mat looks like.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

by the way, if you are at risk of stroke, alcohol consumption and smoking are not good ideas.