Sunday, October 31, 2004

The Pager/ The Beeper

Friend or foe.
The pager's relationship with the young doctor goes thru a transformation. In med school, it become a status symbol. You're a 3rd or 4th year med school - in clinical rotations. You love it because it makes you feel important, wanted, needed. As a resident, you hate it because it keeps you awake at night. Thoughts are more like "leave me alone" after a nonstop barrage of pages from nurses, pharmacy, and the ER. It becomes an extra appendage or body part that you want to sever. You learn to despise certain tones - it's the ER calling with another admission. Does this one really meet admitting criteria?

Dead batteries- no wonder you aren't beeping at me!

Vibrate mode, yeah baby, it's the best.
It doesn't bother others around you, but let's you know it's there with its jolt.
Mega jolt if the batteries are new.
Poor thing gets lost, dropped, and left behind on nursing stations, call rooms, lockers.
Text messaging feature- woah!- this is fun.
Sometimes carrying a pager feels like you're "packing heat, baby!"

1 comment:

Aleksu said...


Cheers to that.

I love that Corona comercial when the guy makes a "patito" on the ocean with his pager.