Saturday, October 30, 2004

The replay

Done at work before 5:30pm- can i make it to Billy? Yes, i'll try!
Might even find parking on Chicago Avenue.
Forget the El, to the batmobile and head to downtown.
Could have found one closer but took the first parking space i saw.
Feel the humidity in the city- can't believe it's fall - seems like a summer night.
A homeless man flirts with me, give him a half smile, "must get to Billy"
Enter the bookstore- must buy his book,
Nail the first employee- where's the Corgan book?

Wait about 2 hours in line - finally meet the man that forever changed me.
(He arrived early & quickly started signing away- thanks)
Glad i went (thought about not going if couldn't get out of work by 6pm)

The clock strikes 9:30pm
over 12 hours since my day began,

still haven't been home,
no dinner,
was starving for Billy,
go home or to bday celebration?
bday get-together for friend wins out,

(was already downtown & found parking near the salsa club)
Had a couple of vodka drinks in honor of my muse (white russian hit the spot)
Now, i'm feeling woosy, crazy me allows friend to drag me to the dance floor

luckily i have some balance - manage to do some salsa dancing.
The martini actually wakes me up--- more dancing (apple martini muy rico!)
Hot wax dripping near our drinks - a drop lands on my finger - ouch!
Look at the time, i really need to go home - i'm driving, remember.
feel awake enough to drive myself home,
the fresh breeze feels wonderful tonight,

car windows are down, Marley is blasting in my car.
Speed home, speed home...
still hungry, found something to nibble,

finally home, and surrender to sleep.

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