Thursday, November 18, 2004

Chipping Away at Institutionalized Racism

Major victory against corporate America today. Abercrombie and Fitch settled the lawsuit against it which accused it of racial discriminatory hiring practices. I found this article on the internet about the settlement; this article describes the accusations in the lawsuit. During an NPR segment today, I heard of the $40 million plus dollars that A&F will have to cough up. The only accusation against A&F that I knew of concerned its use of sexually explicit photo layouts to market to teens.

This a major legal victory for American minorities.

1 comment:

Aleksu said...

Sticky issue.

I do believe Abercrummie and Fitch are guilty of racism.

But they are not the only ones, the second article does expose one truth, BET and FUBU do discriminate also.

And then there is the Hooter's issue, but I have seen girls that do not meet the "requirements" at quite a few locations so I think that was more of a cheap shot.