Friday, November 12, 2004

Energizing Wednesday Night

Went to the open mic on Wednesday. Wanted to write about my impressions that night but here it's Friday and finally doing so.

First of all, WOW and I mean WOW! People are always criticizing the youth of America. Adolescents are lazy, apathetic, and troubled. All they care about is clothes, music, video games, hooking up, hanging out, and etc (don't some adults fit that description).

On Wednesday night, I discovered a river (no, more like a cascade) of talent in the youth from my old neighborhood or barrios similar to mine. The youth are listening and formulating opinions. Valuable opinions on various issues such as politics, war, love, gang violence, teen pregnancy, sex, racism, sexism, education.

Performances from that night featured:
the chicas from Poetics and Huaraches - showed strength, determination, orgullo en ser mujer (especially pride in being mujeres Latinas)

Warren- his "sick & tired" piece was fabulous (he had this lengthy poem memorized!)
Guillermo - this one has a beautiful gift indeed- please continue to nurture it (whoever is supporting/mentoring him)

I learned about a charter school in my old barrio that I might form a partnership with in the near future. I didn't expect that Wednesday night to be so inspiring - thank you, all of you! Keep on writing and pursuing your dreams!


Diana said...

Yes, the girls from Poetics are very talented Latinas. I'm trying to get them some $$ for the program. Hopefully, it will go through. Do you think sometime in the spring you would be interested in becoming a member of the Chicago Women's Foundation? Check their site out CFW.Org or maybe it's .com

Aleksu said...

One of these days I will have to go to one of those open mic nights, after all, is only 2 1/2 hours on the road.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming out to support Dr. V. It was great having you in the audience. I'm glad to hear about your interest in the new charter school in back of the yards--can't wait to hear more about it.

guiam said...

Yes, it was a great night. it's always good to open that space for expression, especially for young people. everytime i meet w/ them, i feel very proud of them. they are very talented indeed.