Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The Genius Behind the CTA

So the CTA is still begging the state for more money. Now, they are using the disabled as bait. The CTA wants to double the fare disabled patrons pay. It's not like the disabled haven't been screwed enough by life or by others, now the CTA wants to get in on the action. Most people on disability have a fixed income; it is already tough paying for rent, groceries, medical care, etc. Now they have to worry about the CTA.


Diana said...

Those bastards at the CTA!! Here is a solution: Raise your advertising rates and you will make your money ten times over.
How about the folks at the top take a pay cut...

Aleksu said...

Wasn't the tax cut to the rich fellas a magnificent idea?

Now cities are on strapped budgets, so, lets squeeze some pennies from the disabled, including the veterans.