Thursday, November 18, 2004

How long...

how long will it last?
how long will i keep it up?
i don't know...
i have already thought about
ending it,
deleting it,
all of it.
why continue to add to it?
at times it is wonderful
to share thoughts,
maybe one day
i'll just fade away...
fade away slowly,
or maybe

maybe i'll just transition back
to good old pen & paper
that way it can be packaged nicely
in a delicate journal
ready to gather dust
as it lies in storage,
until i unearth it again...


Aleksu said...

Dr. V, I thought about it myself more that once, but you know what, I always think of the one star fish that made it back into the water, so I continue.

Don't deprive us please!

Diana said...

Now, now Dr. V we will none of this blog suicide. Get out of your mini sleep coma and start blogging. I love this poem. Bring it to the writers meeting in Dec. it will be the first weekend.

guiam said...

Although i'm a horrible & irresponsible blogger, i recommend that you please not leave us. it's helped some of us get through things.

Anonymous said...

no, porfavor no lo hagas. stay. please.