Monday, November 15, 2004

How Sweet of You to Remind Me

The marketing machine is in full gear for the holidays. The Christmas stuff is already in stores EVERYWHERE; we still need to celebrate Thanksgiving. So it must be time to bust out the holiday songs. One of mine would include "New Heart for Xmas" released in 2003 by Kill Hannah. Yeah, not the typical warm fuzzy songs many are accustomed to hearing, but I'm not normal/ordinary :)
drum roll, please...
the lyrics for the tune mentioned above...

navy pier at Xmas
you can go
at 3am there will be no one
the ferris wheel still turns
as though it's a popular attraction still
and when the songs slowly play
through the old broken pa

a new heart for Xmas,
a new heart for Xmas,
I want a new heart for Xmas
"cause you broke it all apart
put back together again"

strange holiday mannequins still move
as though someone was watching besides me
their joints are rusty
they chirp like inside
there's something alive
oh no, somehow it strikes me
I want a new heart for xmas

you hit me oh so hard you
put it back together again
you broke it all apart
put me back together again
oh, new heart for Xmas...

1 comment:

Aleksu said...

They are realesing a new version of "Do They Know Is Christmas Time at All?".

The benefits will go to paliate the hunger in Africa.