Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I Need a Hug

Exhausted from a long day as an election judge, I crashed went I came home. Didn't hear the total returns but Dubbya was leading (PORQUE!) Initially, heard some disturbing news as I emerged from my daze, indicating Evil had won. Somebody hug me. Now I'm hearing it might be close to call. Dubbya might win the popular vote, but (will the Lord answer our prayers?!) might lose the electoral vote! Ohio seems to be a contested state aka like Florida in 2000. About 5 states are still considered undecided at this time. That Bin Laden tape might have caused more people to vote out of FEAR (how sad).

My experience as election judge gave me renewed hope in our country and with the emerging political force of Latinos. Our precinct had an amazing turn out (65% of registered voters). Those who worked previous elections in my old barrio said the numbers were 2 times the usual amount. People were excited about their right to vote. People with disabilities made the effort to come out to cast their vote. Saca ese imbecil (idiota) de la Casa Blanca. Good times, good food.

At least B. Obama (IL) defeated Keyes for the Senate. We kept that evil out of office. If Dubbya is still president, I will not stop my struggle for a better America for ALL of its people. In California, stem cell research received the greenlight to launch an exciting new area of medicine. Thanks to public exposure of the issue by Michael J. Fox and dear Christopher Reeve.


Diana said...

I'm sending you a HUGE mental hug please send one back. I'm depressed, cold and hungry. Something tells me we are going to feel Dubbya's boot on our throats in the next four years. Maladetto!! We are going to Analisa's bright an early on Saturday for ten a.m. drinks and writing.

guiam said...

I can't believe it either... I could cry. I feel like fleeing out of this madness. Why are Americans so blind?! What a shame! I'm embarassed he won, I'm afraid he won. How can this be a mistake too.
all I can say is that we seem to be going backwards, for as advanced as we'd like to believe the US is.

Aleksu said...

People are dumbfounded around the world.

Chin up, Kerry was not that much of a candidate but still he was able to put up a fight because there is people that believed that change was necessary.

Is only four years, grab the bull by the horns!