Friday, November 12, 2004

News From Across the Atlantic...

Today he wrote! How wonderful. No, not Mat from KH. No, not a romantic interest. My cousin the Marine who I last saw in June prior to my graduation. His parents gave him a big going away fiesta with arrachera and the works. The good news from Iraq is that he is alive and hanging in there. He is going to be there for quite some time.

Excerpt from his email:
I'm in good health but full of combat stress. Sorry if that sounds so fatalistic but last night I lost a very close friend in a firefight.
Initially things here were simple, sporadic fire and maybe an explosion here and there but for the past two weeks it's been full blown out combat. I thank you for keeping me in your prayers and implore you to include my fellow brethren.

***Don't worry J, I will, con carino, your cousin....


Diana said...

Will definately be keeping him and other soldiers in our prayers for their safe return.

Aleksu said...

I have a friend in the field also, he can't disclose the location, he says that it is pure hell right now and that he is concerned because most of the guys in his unit are Mexican-Americans and until a week ago they were not shooting at them.

My best wishes, this war is not their war.