Friday, November 12, 2004

Not Good News for the "2 Cups or More" Club

The Caffeine Debate continues. Yes or No. Si or No. Fill it to the brim. Detach me from the caffeine IV.

From LifeScript:
Sometimes study’s report that moderate intake of caffeine can be good for you, while others warn of the dangers of too much caffeine. Now, a new report from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is warning consumers that drinking more than 1 cup of coffee daily has been linked to an increased risk for heart disease, as the beverage causes gradual and steady underlying inflammation. Researchers admit that more studies are needed to confirm this study’s outcome, but it is also wise to limit coffee intake to 1 cup or less.


Diana said...

I'm reading this blog entry as I sip a HUGE cup a coffee. Analisa makes good coffee. We must go to her house for some.

Aleksu said...

Oh my!

What am I supposed to drink, water?

And yes, I am also seeping on a cup of coffee.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i use to drink a cup/day. Not today, had my 2nd cup already - couldn't resist the "cafe azteca" so i made a pit stop on the way home.