Monday, December 13, 2004

Damsel in distress

Diana's tale with the tomato sauce reminded me of my own struggle with a Gatorade bottle. One late night, I'm thirsty so I reach for the smaller Gatorade bottle in the fridge (Lime flavor). Can't open it, so I continue. Not giving way. I don't have freakin' arthritis so why can't I do this? My fingers start to hurt. Let me try another bottle - same size. Can't open that one, too! Man, what is this? Gatorade conspiracy? When mom normally struggles with a Gatorade bottle, she asks ME to open it.

On the bottom of the fridge, I have a bigger Gatorade bottle - let me try that one. Yes, it opens. Do I drink it? NO! It's another flavor, Grape, and I want the Lime flavored one. So back to the Lime bottle. I try holding it in various positions. Then I catch myself with the bottle upside down as I'm twisting the top. Not a smart move, unless I want Gatorade on the floor instead of in my mouth. A couple of more seconds or minutes and it was finally opened. Unfortunately, I developed a blister that hurt like a mother@#@# *& the next day! Stubborn - yes...


Diana said...

This is one of my favorite dr. v stories:)

Aleksu said...

That is why women are supposed to sit on a corner and knit.

Gatorade is made for strong male athletes, because male are bold, and powerful and, and, and... full of shit.

He he he, just kidding, I'm glad you finally got that darn Lime gatorade bottle open.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Lime gatorade conspiracy