Monday, December 13, 2004

grab the tissue

If you want to see me get all emotional, plop me down in front of the TV on Sundays at 7pm. Extreme Makeover - Home Edition always chokes me up. Fight the tears! Hold them back! Fight the tears! It is not the awesome exterior design or the striking interior design. It is not the latest high tech gadgets either. They are nice to look at and give you ideas for your own home. However, the real interest is for the family who lives in the home which is undergoing the remodeling. Their stories are compelling - how hard they work with the little resources they have. I wonder how many people are touched by this program on a deeper level (beyond the glitz). I hope it inspires others to look in their neighborhoods and their cities for opportunities to help those in need. Volunteer at a homeless shelter. Spend time with children with chronic illnesses such as HIV/AIDS. Give others hope. Show them that you appreciate who they are.

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