Sunday, December 12, 2004


I'm breathing again. Well, I never stopped completely or else I would have needed someone to give me CPR or intubate me. Nevertheless, I can breathe easier now. Futhermore, my sense of smell is returning so I can taste my food again. Felt good enough to attend the work shindig and had a black russian to toast the upcoming holidays. They are a bunch of fun people. I think I'm going to enjoy being part of this family/team. I learned some fascinating info on the new midwife & also met her husband (charming man). They have been married for 32 years; they still look in love. He knows how to hablar en espanol; they've been to Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.

This evening also reminded me that I still have some Christmas shopping to do. Should really get it done THIS week.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Glad you are feeling better and had fun at the party!!