Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Miracle Workers

Some women are crazy. Being a woman, I think I can say that. Today I found out there is a 47 y/o woman who's pregnant and this is her 15th pregnancy! Wow, I could never have 15 children. Then, there was a 44 y/o woman for infertility workup. She wants another child (are you sure? at age 44?) . She already has 2. Maybe she has a new husband/partner - Nope. Still the same man. Are you aware of the success rates?

Unfortunately, after a certain age, women aren't as fertile. So trying to conceive at an age where your body is making the shift to menopause, you are bound to face some obstacles. Yes, medicine has made many advances in the arena of conception but physicians are not miracle workers. Making babies with high tech medicine is expensive; insurance companies don't like to cover it. So the rich, of course, can afford to spend thousands on making a baby. But the couples without insurance, without public aid (don't think it covers it either), on a "sliding scale", the options are limited. Those in the Chicago area can use the health services of Cook County Hospital since CCH (Stroger Hospital) treat the uninsured. But the Cook County Hospital way has alot of waiting and frustration in store for you. It's just how that system "works".


Aleksu said...

And then there is our Amalur being depleted of its resources.

And then there is all those beautiful children waiting to be adopted.

Anonymous said...

"Unfortunately, after a certain age, women aren't as fertile."

Gee, talk about making one feel just a little rushed.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

hey, in about 6 years, i'll be AMA (advanced maternal age) - very scary. So if i want kids, i have to be conscious of time.