Friday, December 31, 2004


Please stop sending me emails about "enhancing" or "enlarging". First of all, I don't have a penis. Furthermore, I don't know of one I need to "enhance" for my sake. But thanks for the concern, I guess.

Also got a email with "If you die, what about your family" in the subject line. Not that I would open that email, but I also don't want to be thinking about that on New Year's Eve. I already think enough about death. I will post later about the importance of organ donation. So if you want me to be thinking of my mortality, I am.


Aleksu said...

That "enlarging" spam email has to be the most idiotic publicity campaign ever.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

I have tried blocking them but there are so many of them. Reporting them as "junk" email doesn't seem to do much either. Several still seem to filter into my mailbox.