Monday, January 03, 2005

Da Bulls

How about them Bulls! I admit I was one of those cringing and hiding when they were on their losing streak. How long did it take them to win their 1st game? Then da Bulls went on a winning streak. A new team emerged. What an exciting game against the Detroit Pistons tonight! I'm developing a sweet spot for Kirk Hinrich (#12). Maybe it's because he reminds me of a young George Harrison (Beatle). George (the quiet one) and John Lennon were my favorite Beatles. Ben Gordon (#7) is a force to be reckoned with. Keep your eye on that young man. He is on fire! Much like I was tonight after eating a pita with lamb. The green sauce was deceiving; I didn't think it was going to be that spicy. I had to suck on an ice cube or two to put out the fire in my mouth. My ears were shooting flames, but it was some good lamb!

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