Sunday, January 30, 2005

Dinner time

Dad told me about an incident that occurred earlier in the week. They like to watch "Cien Mexicanos Dijeron" - spanish version of "Family Feud". They normally eat dinner around that time. Mom really gets into it - screaming out answers at the television. He doesn't know what the question was but mom was busy screaming "Darle de comer". So Dad jokingly joined in (tried to at least) from the other room.

Mom: "Darle de comer" (give/serve something to eat)
Dad: "A mi" (to me)
Mom doesn't turn around
M: "Darle de comer"
D: "A mi" - a little louder
M: "Darle de comer" - with more enthusiasm
D: "A mi!"
Mom never noticed or heard him.
Figures, she sometimes gets caught up in what she's doing that she's oblivious to her surroundings.


Mariposatomica said...

your mom is hilarious!! Tell her I want to challenge her to cien mexicanos dijieron;)

Aleksu said...

Your mom sounds like my mom.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Mariposa, be careful what u ask for, she's a feisty one.

Anonymous said...

My grandmother never ever misses an episode.