Friday, January 07, 2005

Granny's Got a Gun

The color of the crime wave is changing. A recent NPR story reports the elderly in Germany are turning to a life of crime. One often thinks that with old age comes slowing down, relaxing, not worrying. Apparently, the current economy has been rough on the German senior citizens. I thought the US economy was in bad shape! This story made me think of that Flintstontes episode that featured Grandma Dynamite. Guiam probably knows what I'm talking about.

Americans shouldn't laugh; Dubbya wants to mess with Social Security. The Republicans might just leave it in a worse condition.
Doctor, what's it's condition?
I'm afraid, it's critical.
Can you save it?
Will try, but I can't make any promises. The prognosis is poor.

So be careful out there. Keep an eye on that little old lady sitting next to you on the El, or standing next to you at the store. You never know who the next criminal mastermind will be.


Aleksu said...

That is why I never give my seat to old ladies.

He he he...

guiam said...

jajajajaj! of course! how could i forget grandma dynamite! i was thinking of getting my dad a gun for christmas, but i guess we already have coyote: he does a great job protecting the home.