Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Life on Mars

"Life on Mars" - I haven't been able to get that tune out of my head. I've also seen "Life Aquatic". Blex has already posted his positive review. It is a great film - weird and quirky but worth checking out. When I left the theater, I was still chuckling. If random people saw me, they would have thought who is this crazy lady and what is she laughing at.

I've been a fan of Wes Anderson (director) since "Bottle Rocket" which featured Luke and Owen Wilson. As a result, I was excited about his new film. Yes, the soundtrack features David Bowie tunes - fantastic! I recognized the riff of the first song but it was in another language (scene on the boat). That's a Bowie song!

Much to my delight, it continued thru out the film - Bowie songs in English and Portuguese. David Bowie is a musical genius; his songs work well in this flick.
Seu Jorge is the actor playing the guitar and singing the Bowie tunes in Portuguese. Jorge apparently is a Brazilian musician who has received acclaim in Brazil.

I'm now in the possession of the soundtrack. Some of the instrumental pieces make good lullabies and meditation songs.

1 comment:

Aleksu said...

I am now on a quest to get my "Team Zissou" Adidas shoes.