Friday, January 14, 2005

Midnight Calling

"trauma team to the ER"
"trauma team to the ER"
The calm feminine voice rings
thru out the building.
You wouldn't know
how urgent
the situation is
Gunshot victims,
Stab wounds,
Drunken catastrophes,
Remains from a wreckage,
Suicide attempts -
Violence everywhere
in every form.

I need to sleep...
Why did the voice have to wake me?
I can toss and turn again
the cheap blankets,
lose my weary eyes,
Because it is not my "wound"
nor my "mangled body" to mend.
It is not that I don't care -
I'm not the trauma team.
At some point
tonight or tomorrow,
I will be mending
an ailing body or soul,
The night is not over yet.

"trauma team to the ER"
"trauma team to the ER"


Anonymous said...

ER must be so exciting. Please do come back and tell us who you mended back together.

guiam said...

this is an incredible poem: kind of disturbing too.

Diana said...

please read this at the next writer's meeting. I love this poem. You have such a powerful voice.