Saturday, January 29, 2005

Trains and Mortuary Skies

I've been wanting to compose a piece on this theme for several years. The inception of this can be traced to a Broadway show seen on an April New York trip. Years of trying to find the right
words and imagery. All based on a sound - an ordinary sound.
In memory of the survivors and the lost souls. Let us not forget.

Trains and Mortuary Skies

Stars and Stripes,
Stars and Stripes,
Have a different meaning
in a different land.
Yellow stars board the trains.
The train wheels churn in motion
to secluded destinations.
The train whistles
as the journey begins.
Yellow stars arrive,
separated by value,
dressed in stripes.
The train whistles with every trip,
Loud, Loud,
Louder, Louder,
The trains are so loud,
The trains are so loud,
Morphing into Screams
Shrieking in the cold calm night,
Silent to the rest of the world.
Shrieking in Horror,
Piercing Cries of Murder,
Wailing in Torture,
Genocide, Genocide!
Chambers hold suffocating Souls,
Panic accelerates in the Chambers,
Tearing Souls from Flesh with brutal fury
Until Life slumps to the ground,
As snow flurries cascade outside.
Empty - the train cars sit
at the makeshift station,
Surrounded by mortuary skies,
Waiting to pull away
Into the Darkness.
Leaving the morgue and smoke-filled skies,
Leaving the morgue that is Auschwitz behind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this poem a lot. I especially like the beginning.