Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Battles in Shades of Pink

Been thinking about children. When I should have one? If I should have one? Am I cut out for motherhood? Seeing pictures of someone's son makes me want to have a boy. I have dreamt about having a child..perhaps it was my future child. My child is usually a boy in my dreams. So maybe I'll have a boy. But when?

Kinda want a boy but would be happy either way.
Most woman, I guess, want girls so they can dress them up all pretty. Well, the whole mom-daughter relationship can be and is special. One of the reasons why I love watching "Gilmore Girls".

I wasn't much of a girlie girl growing up. I didn't really like dresses...much to my mom's dismay. She gave up after awhile, realizing I wouldn't let myself. I wanted to dress up like a Beatle instead. We were talking about this recently.

To which I said...in Spanish of course....
Hey, I did have that ONE dress that I liked and that ONE skirt.
Sorry mom for not letting you dress me up.

I didn't like pink either because it symbolized the supreme girliness which I didn't want to be associated with. All this before I ever heard the word feminist and knew what it meant.
No stereotypes for me, no thanks. ;)


Mariposatomica said...

Well I can't wait to be called tia!! Yes, the issue of kids is confusing and draining. I try to block it out.

Aleksu said...

I really don't care if life has cheated me so far when it comes to that concept called love.

But I really resent life cheating me on the one thing I really want, a child of my own blood, a boy or a girl, it does not matter.

If I was a woman that wouldn't be an issue anymore, but I'm cursed for I do depend on someone else to fulfill that dream. And then there is that pesky issue I mentioned in the first paragraph.

Maybe I should consider a clone, he he he...

"A man is a man when he has written a book, planted a tree and reared a child".

Matt said...

I had a preference for a girl. Yet, having a son has been a joy. I used to think that I would never want to be a parent or have what it takes to be a parent. Age and experience have changed that.

I'm very thankful for my little Alex.

Anonymous said...

i was always a girly girl. played with dolls and loved the dresses and hated that my mother wouldn't let my hair grow long.

i would like a child someday as well. i would take either a boy or a girl. i think bonds with both are different but special. however, what i would want and desire most in that child is a healthy and happy well being.

Unknown said...

I want someone else's kid for a couple hours a day.

Yeah, that would be nice.