Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Unattainable Apple Pie

Just when I thought good customer service was dead, the lovely folks at a downtown Dunkin Donuts prove me wrong. Maybe you saw the coupons for the apple pie pastry and medium latte in the Sunday paper. I strolled in the DD near Washington and Michigan Avenue to try the delicacy.

Stellar DD employee: Sorry we don't have the apple pie
Moi: Oh (said sadly)
Stellar DD employee: But we have an apple fritter. If you want that, I'll charge you the same price (as listed in the coupon)
Caffeine junkie: Oh, yes, I'll have that and let me try the raspberry mocha latte.

She charged me the same price AND didn't take the coupon. She said I should keep it and use it next time. Made for a lovely coffee experience as I walked towards Millenium Park.

Again, no parking tickets! I didn't feed the meter long enough since I took too long at the Cultural Center. Maybe the police isn't patrolling in that area as frequently since I wasn't the only lucky one.
NOTE: I was not playing hooky from work; I had business to attend to in downtown.
Since I was already there, why not explore the Cultural Center.


Aleksu said...

Sure you were not playing hookie, we believe you.

Anonymous said...

i hear the apple pie is pretty delicious--you must report back.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

The apple pie is Stupendous.