Sunday, February 27, 2005

Wanted: Young Latino Males

So Mariposa's recent entry got me riled up again. I started working on this piece a couple of days ago. I'm not sure if it is truly finished but I'm giving you a sneak peek.

"Wanted: Young Latino Males"

Looking for you,

Can't find you,
Seems like an exodus
has occurred at Home,
Casting you
Tricked with promises...
promise of education,
promise of funds,
promise of a better life
for you and your family.

The police are happy
you're gone,
you good-for-nothing
hanging out on street corners,
or the local park,
dealing drugs,
pulling off driveby shootings,
'cause that's what you do
right, ese

fighting a war
for those who don't give a fuck
if you come back alive
on your own two feet,
or in a box draped with the flag.
you were going
to end up dead

if not in the hands of insurgents,
in the hands of rival gang members,
at least that's what they say.

don't care about the grieving padres
who came to this country
sacrificing their blood and sweat
for a better tomorrow.
Mañana is not coming
for all of their children.
Wanted: Young Latino Males
Where can you be found?
You're worth more
than the government lets on.
Wanted: Young Latino Males
Reward: Priceless (Inquire Within)


Mariposatomica said...

Please bring this poem to the writers meeting next week. I think it's a solid poem. Only suggestion at this time is there is an ñ in "mañana.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

yes, but i couldn't put it since i don't know how or if my keyboard can
do the ñ. I was only able to correct it and post the ñ here after I copied and pasted the ñ from your comment.
So thanks for the "ñ" - much appreciated.

Aleksu said...

Oops, I fail the young part.


dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

young at heart is good too

Anonymous said...

FYI: ALT+164=ñ