Wednesday, March 09, 2005


honesty is great
wonderful when you can be honest
wonderful when others
can be honest with you

But honesty comes with a price,
you're more open to pain,
more likely to get hurt by others,
because when you're honest ....
you're more vulnerable,
you've exposed yourself....
sometimes it hard to gain back
what you have given up.

have to be careful
who i choose to be honest with,
who i let in,
who i open up to...
or i'll be left violated,
bare, and hurt.


Aleksu said...

I believe in honesty, I dish it out and I expect it in return.

When I was young I had trouble harnessing what people sometimes call "being brutally honest".

Ron Hudson said...

Always be genuine to your true self, even when it feels badly. It will keep your soul free.