Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Low Down on Iron

Iron Deficiency Linked to Restless Leg Syndrome- 03/02/05
Two factors have been identified as possible causes of Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS): one is a genetic component, and the other, low iron stores. It was previously known that these factors played a role in the condition found in adults, but until now, research was not able to confirm if the connection was also true in children. Now, a report documented in the Annals of Neurology has found that of kids with RLS, 72% are likely to have a parent with the same condition, and 75% have low levels of iron. The mineral iron is a co-factor for the synthesis of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that regulates movement, which is thought to be the connection to RLS. If your child complains of discomfort in their legs, especially at night, don’t pass it off as “growing pains”. Make an appointment with your pediatrician to assess the situation and possibly measure your child’s iron stores.

Iron Supplementation Important for ADHD- 02/05/05
New research out of Paris is showing a strong link between low-iron levels and occurrence of ADHD in children. Researchers from the HopÎtal Robert Debre in Paris measured iron levels in 53 ADHD sufferers and found low-serum iron levels in 84%. The group suggests that since iron deficiency contributes to abnormal functioning of dopamine, a neurotransmitter critical for facilitating brain function, low-iron levels may play a role in the manifestation of ADHD. While supplementing with iron may benefit a child suffering from ADHD, if your child or someone you know suffers from ADHD, do not supplement iron without the care of the child’s physician, as toxicity concerns are high when supplementing with iron.

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