Sunday, March 27, 2005

My Birth and Death

This was spawned by an idea my sis gave me. Actually an "assignment" she gave me. When I asked her what she had written about it, she replied, "I came up with the idea. That was hard enough. Now get to it."

May tinker with it some more, but here we go.....

"My Birth and Death"

Birth -
unique to each
but never our own
never truly our own
no memory persists in my mind.
someone's story
pieces here and there
to construct my coming into being

Death -
unique to each
but never truly our own.
will I see it?
will I hear it ?
will I feel it?
will I witness it at all?
I may disappear
and never be aware
when I became extinct.
Drift out of being,
without seeing
or feeling.
Becoming part
of someone's story.

Beginnings and Endings
never our own.
Perhaps never
hearing the story -
the complete story,
only the years we've filled
between birth and death.
Incomplete chapters
with footnotes as bookends.


Mariposatomica said...

This is such a powerful poem. Hey is your sister in town?

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

no she isn't here. she just giving me assignments from her neck of the woods.

Aleksu said...



I never thought of birth and death from that perspective.

"Never our own"

Food for thought, thanks.