Sunday, March 06, 2005

Naps and Pickles

I was remembering when I use to babysit my cousin (when he was a toddler). It was then when I realized how much energy kids could have as they zip thru the house. I tried to convince him that we should take a would be fun (I really needed the nap). I didn't notice that I started whispering to him but he picked up on the change in my voice. So he started to whisper to ME...that was so cute. I did manage to get him to lie down with me on the blanket on the floor. But he just stared at me, giggled at me, whispered to me....didn't fall asleep. After a few minutes, he was up again.....zooming thru the house. He loved to snack on pickles...yes dill pickles...weird.

okay, you want pickle....I'll give you a pickle
Naturally he took a few nibbles and would leave the pickle on the coffeetable. Go play, come back, and take a bite. The dill pickle could last for hours.....
Sometimes the rest of the pickle would end up behind the TV or the couch. So you have to be careful when you give kids food when their "mobile" ....because you never know where pieces of food will end up


Aleksu said...

I'll take that piece of advice into consideration next time I have to baby sit.

Mariposatomica said...

Will I find a dozen half eaten dill pickles in your sock drawer?