Sunday, March 06, 2005


Do you believe in psychic powers? Can we communicate with others via unconventional ways?

I am becoming a believer in ESP or psychic/higher powers.
This morning I had a "vision" . My vision woke me up. It was burning on my closed eyelids, trying to get my attention. Of course, I tried to dismiss it, but it continued to shine so clearly. When I finally awoke, I did some investigating. Sure enough around that time something was happening. I think I was connecting with someone.

"Morning Visions"

or more in tune
with another soul.
energy fields truly mingling
and amplifying,
awaking me from my dreams,
hearing the music,
seeing the snapshots,
maybe that's the trigger.
Connecting souls
is it possible?
we ARE energy,
energy traveling,
sending signals,
wake up,
wake up!
I'm near
I have to tell you



Mariposatomica said...

I think at some level we can communicate with our minds, but we just don't know how to use it. Have Liza read your tarot. Pretty acurate. She's read Irasalis, mine, Guiam and Gazoo's.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i would dig having my tarot read. I'm still rather freaked out by this experience...and I don't think i was staring at something too long ;)