Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Random Thoughts

"the numbers are cursed....the numbers are cursed"
That's the latest on "Lost" which is on Wednesday nights.
I would post the ill-fated numbers but I fear the curse....
I STILL have so MANY questions about that show, but at least it's entertaining.

A new song I'm listening to has my hips swinging, rocking....rocking to the rock-n-roll.
I such a Rock-n-Roll chick - would be SO happy with an electric guitar.

I'm looking forward to this weekend because it means fun with the chicas! I have a surprise for all of them. I'm posting that here so I don't forget.

I don't think much will come of a recent meeting or "gig" as I referred to it. Oh well, at least I took the risk. However, it does leave me wondering - what is wrong with me?


Anonymous said...

nothing is wrong with you. its them.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i guess