Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Worried to Delighted

So my day yesterday....well, I couldn't say much in order to "protect the innocent". But things went well (at least I thought so). No one got killed although I almost ran over some people who were on their way to church. I was coming out of the alley and forgot it was "church time", so I wasn't expecting all the "pedestrian traffic" near the alley. That would have been bad especially since I wasn't planning on visiting the Lord yesterday. Then I did have another close encounter along the way - yes I was rushing, hoping not to be late (too late). But I still have to wait and see if the future will bring anything more from yesterday's "gig". The ball is in someone else's court now.

Another thing: somewhere I read recently how the glove compartment is misnamed. I don't remember if it was on someone's blog (if it was You, tell me). What did I do yesterday? I actually put my gloves in the glove compartment - first time I ever did that. Of course there's tons of other stuff in there like a can of mace, insurance info, maps, menus, insect repellent (although I'm not using that right now), and so on.

I also skidded and lost control a couple of times tonight on the way home from a LONG day at work. People just kept coming to the clinic! The traction on my tires was poor especially on the sidestreets that weren't sprinkled with salt by the city snow crew. Luckily not many cars were on the road. Yeah, I should have been going slower but I wanted to get home already and have dinner.

After being alerted of a trojan horse virus trying to infiltrate my dear 'puter, i saw it - the delightful surprise. I wasn't told about it but i "discovered" it. I don't know if it was meant for me. I will have to inquire tomorrow or sometime this week. If i was meant for me, it was BEAUTIFUL. i loved it - warmed my heart and had me dancing.


Aleksu said...

Bad girl, running over church going people.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the glove compartment is named that because people use to wear driving gloves? Its a total guess so don't quote me on it.