Sunday, April 24, 2005

Another Fantastic Production

Living In or Living Out?
Living Out
Don't worry I told the agency I'm interviewing both.

Oh, so that's what the title means. Teatro Vista has put on another outstanding play.

One of my friends had a weird encounter in the restroom during intermission. An older woman asked her what she thought of the play so far. She smiled and said she was really enjoying it. The other woman replied, "I find it painful." Mariposa said that great writing will provoke emotions.
Why did she find it painful?.....well, my friend didn't stick around to inquire.

But "Living Out" did make me angry...somewhere in the beginning of the play. It is a dark comedy so laughter was expected, not anger. Why was I upset? I remembered the emotion but what specifically ticked me off?.....Yes! It was the opening scene when Ana was interviewing for nanny positions. The militant mom told Ana that she was only to speak in English to her children. It infuriated me to hear that....yes it is only a play but there are people out there who would say such things. Like speaking to her children in Spanish was like spreading the Ebola virus or some other pathogen to her precious children. The scene with the militant mom also showed how we can complicate things in our lives. I had to laugh when she whipped out a folder with her son's schedule of activities. She showed Ana pictures of her kids, not traditional photos in a frame, but on her PDA (yikes....I'm guilty of "carrying" photos in my PDA). The grueling schedule Ana would have followed was provoking anxiety in ME! I wouldn't take that job....who needs all that stress. "Living Out" is a thought provoking production. It put me in a unique position....I could relate to Ana (the immigrant) and to Nancy (the lawyer/the career woman). Made me wonder how it will be raising my own child in the future.


Aleksu said...

When I get to witness any sort of discrimination against immigrants I do get angry also.

I think your little ones are going to be very lucky kids.

Mariposatomica said...

Thank you again for coming out and supporting the actors who have worked so hard on this production. Lisa Loomer's writing is definately thought-provoking and evokes a lot of emotion.