Saturday, April 09, 2005


Dreaded getting up today since I had to work this morning. Would be so sweet to sleep in awhile longer. However, my trusty coffee mug always gives me a good wake-up call and gets the wheels turning. Glad I didn't go overboard with the Sangria on Friday night or I would have been battling more than germs and flying speculums today. Flying speculums...yeah it happens on occasions. Women know what they are and when they are used. Not sure if the men know what a speculum is.

Anyway, it's always a thrill to see the P posse - guaranteed fun and craziness. It had been months since I saw Slim Shady the lawyer. This Friday night I was laughing so hard that my face was hurting, but laughter is the best medicine. It can benefit your immune system - this has been studied.

As I was wrapping up with my paperwork at the office, I smiled gleefully at the thought that my cousin J was arriving in Chicago in mere hours. Of course, this meant there was going to be a carnivore feast at his parents' house to honor the occasion this evening....

When I arrived home, I got word of an addition to my extended aunt had her baby girl Friday night.


Aleksu said...

Well, congrats for the addition to the family.

Speculum, I think I saw one at the zoo once, it was kind of cute...


Anonymous said...

please elaborate on speculum. i don't know what that is.

Unknown said...

If I know, do I get a cookie?

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

maybe i should post a picture of one...