Sunday, April 10, 2005

Tacos de Cabeza y Mariachi

The Carnivore feast

There was meat galore at the aunt's was wonderful to see J again....he looked the same and so excited to be home. The red and blue steamers decorated the backyard. The mega (I mean mega) grill was set up and the meat was churning and grilling. Time to dig in.

Que tipo de tacos tiene?
De asada, lengua, pastor, y cabeza
(Hmm, cabeza - head) I was afraid to ask for an I just stay away from the "cabeza"
Later, one of my aunt's explained that you can have brain tacos. Brains? Whose? What animal?
Cow....but isn't that know...Mad Cow Disease!
Well, we eat everything.....nothing is wasted. This seems to be true since I've heard tales of eating rat and squirrels in good old Mexico.

A couple of minutes after my dad and I settled down to eat, the mariachi strolled in. I love mariachi - such vibrant sounds - the violins, the guitar, the horns, and the harp. I don't know many traditional mariachi songs so I couldn't request anything but my relatives had plenty.
Everyone joined in to sing at some point during the evening. Even J and his uncle performed a duet. J has an amazing voice; he would be great in a mariachi band. Towards the end of the mariachi's performance, J's brother set off a fireworks show. It was a beautiful evening. So much to be thankful for.

It was also an experience that makes you proud to be Mexican. As I listened to the musicians play, I thought about how wonderful my Mexican heritage truly is. We are a people so rich in culture, beauty, love. Many of us aren't "rich" with possessions but what we do have is an abundance of love for family, life, and our roots. We create beauty from simple things like musical instruments, wood, textiles, etc.

Sometimes, I like to observe my surroundings....take it all in....appreciate the moment. Heartwarming moments.....seeing J dancing with his sister to the mariachi music.....J singing.....J's siblings toasting him.....the happy looks on my aunt and uncle's face to have their son back

I did spot J's Marine tags in the house......wanted to photograph them as they dangled from the rack....but didn't have my camera. The scorching sun and the grainy sands aren't pounding on them anymore. He is home.......maybe we'll be able to catch a White Sox game soon....


Aleksu said...

Thanks for the vivid description of the celebration Dr.V, reading this was like being there.

I dare a movie maker to show a welcome party of an American soldier like this one.

And yes, Mexicans find magic and joy in anything and everything.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

but that is what life is all about...finding magic and joy in everything

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great time!

... the concept of brain tacos are creeping me out though.


guiam said...

can't believe you didn't try the brain tacos, o una quesadillita de sesos...
a great party does require some weird food & a mariachi.

Mariposatomica said...

This sounds like your whole family had an fantastic time. Your hilarious with the mega-grill. I'm not big on brain tacos either or the tongue ones. Glad that J. is home safe and sound. Yes, go and root for our White SOOOOOOOOOOOX!!!!!

Anonymous said...

mmmm, tacos de lengua con cebolla y cilantro are simply heavenly.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

tacos de lengua can be hit or miss...
depends on how the meat is cooked...
i've had good lengua and bad lengua