Tuesday, April 05, 2005


So the Fighting Illini lost to the F'n Tar Heels because of F'n nonsense fouls. We were ripped off of a championship. Of course, that's how I see it.

At least the Sox won their home opener, the Mark Buehrle-Shingo Takatsu combo is fantastic.

One of the things I learned this weekend, people ARE crazy. Why would anyone think that a doctor's clinic is open on Sunday at 9pm?.......No, the office is close.....If it's a true emergency, you have to go to an Emergency Room (the ER)......only hospital ERs are open 24 hours - 7 days a week. If you are trying to reach the doctor, why would you not answer the phone. Why would you be on the phone, so the doctor only gets a busy signal. You must not really want the doctor to call you back then.

No, I'm not in the office.....I'm at home....yes, the endless pages from the answering service are waking me up at all hours of the night. Sometimes I'm lucky and get a good chunk of hours of sleep. Other times it is one hour here and another hour or two there. Yes, I'm bound to be cranky the next morning especially if I'm tired and have to battle it out over the phone with one of the hospital's nurses.

Monday was only beginning and I wanted it to end already. Wanted to be home....away from the beeper....away from everybody. One of those weekends you want to do unspeakable things to your pager. "Sit there and behave," as I eyed my pager clipped to my purse, "I'm going to have some fun tonight even if it kills me."

Why do I even bother with this? Not like anyone reads this shit. So many people dropping off like flies from the internet.....abandoning journals or pages.....maybe it's time to join blog purgatory like Guiam.

Fade out......


guiam said...

NO!!! don't fall off to blog purgatory like me, dr. martini! i came back only to read you all's blogs... they really make me laugh. although i'm with you on that illini game: what pure bullshit. we know we're better than NC, that's for sure.

Aleksu said...

Go Illini!


Anyone that can be on the phone while waiting for a doctor's call doesn't really need a doctor.

Where is our society going?

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Man, Agustine didn't even get to "play" in the championship game...unfair.

Ron Hudson said...

ahem...I think I will just sit here quietly in the waiting room...

Unknown said...


I posted! I posted!! Don't leave!


Mariposatomica said...

We need your blog!! See even the elusive Guiam responded.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

sorry Ron...noticed that u were a NC fan after posting this. At least u were pleased with the outcome.

Aberrant T...don't cry..here have a tissue...let me give u a hug. I'm not disappearing ;)

Unknown said...



*blows nose*

Ron Hudson said...

It's cool! I graduated from UNC in 1981, so I am a "true" fan. Sorry you had to be on the short end of the stick this year, though.

By the way, I just posted a blog about my Spanish-language poetry translations with links to just about all of my work. I would enjoy hearing your views on the poetry I have found. I think you might really like a few of them.