Sunday, May 01, 2005

It Figures....

I didn't have a pet until much later in childhood. When we finally got a pet, it wasn't a dog or cat....we got a guinea pig. It was rather unexpected....someone gave my dad the guinea. We opened our home to the soon-to-be homeless guinea.

It figures we would have a lazy pet. We actually went on to have SEVERAL guinea pigs, but one was always my favorite....our first guinea.

Guinea loved to feast on the freshly cut grass dad would bring home. She ate with such a fury but a couple of minutes later, she would start to doze off. When I peeked in on Guinea, I would find her stretched out in the cage, lying on the remaining grass. The animal was falling asleep and STILL CHEWING on the grass. Is it really that hard to stay awake to finish her meal? The grass will still be there when she wakes up.


Aleksu said...

Oh my, tha Guinea pig would take no chances huh?

My coolest pet ever was a Coati, they are quite interesting critters, related to the Racoons, and inventive as they can be.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

she was the only one in the cage...

what is a Coati?

Aleksu said...

Here is a pic of a Coati>