Sunday, May 15, 2005

Mestizo Nights with "A View"

The Teatro Vista play reading series, which took place a couple of weekends ago, left a lasting impression on me. I hope the two play readings I saw, "Massacre" by Jose Rivera and "Sonia Flew"by Melinda Lopez, go into production. Both plays were captivating.

However, "Sonia Flew" stirred some emotions that some in the audience were weeping at the end. A sign of tremendous writing (and acting) if it can make the audience cry. This was staged with only the actors standing in front of metal podiums. No elaborate sets or costumes or background music.

Never read the Peter Pan story....I should go check it out from the local library.

"Lost Child"

Sonia Flew,

Flew Far Away
to the USA,
Bitter and Confused,
As her homeland wept.
Lonely Cuba drifts
empty at sea,
Stripped of its children.

Lost Child,
"Pedro Pan" Child,
Cuba's Lost Children
tapping on Windows,
Wanting to return,
Hearts torn
If they find
Locked Windows.

What kind of mother
would lock the window?
Woudn't she keep it
unlocked even
thru Storms and Chilly Weather?

Lost Child,
"Pedro Pan" Child,
now afraid to fly,
Flying reminds her
of Fleeing,
Abandoning her home,
Losing touch with those
she loves so much.
Flying brings bitter endings.

Lost Child,

"Pedro Pan" Child,
Fly away to a better place,
Fly away to a safer place,
Don't be afraid,
mother said,
before the flight.
This Fairytale
can still
a happy ending.


Mariposatomica said...

This is an amazing poem! You are a poetry goddess!! Please bring to next writers meeting.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Mariposa, did u get to read the play "Sonia Flew"?

Mariposatomica said...

nope, didn't get a chance. All scripts are on lock down...