One of my relatives was horrified to learn of her glucose intolerance. Since that doctor's appointment, she's been labelling herself a diabetic.
"But you're not a diabetic," as i try to explain the difference.
The good thing from all this is how serious she has taken her doctor's advice (not me in this case). She pays more attention to what she eats.
However, her birthday was earlier this week. I was inquiring about the kind of bday cake she would like since we are celebrating a special year.
Her response, " I don't eat cake anymore"
"Cmon, you can have a piece of birthday cake"
"No (she says defiantly) Tiene mucha azucar (it has a lot of sugar)" - she looks so cute saying it.
"okay, okay, perhaps no cake then. What about a mariachi band?"
"No hagas escándalo. We are not the neighbors" - she exclaims in horror.
my solution:
i did buy her a "bday cake" - a cake made entirely of flowers (pictured above) - so she doesn't have to eat it.
i love the cake. it is so colorful. we need more color in our lives. we also need more music that moves our heart. i remember stories about times in the pueblo la concordia, guerrero from my folks. when they would go to the brides house with a conjunto and pick her up. they would accompany her all the way to the church announcing to the pueblito her wonderful day. i can hear the music in my head. it is just lovely and mariachi's are the best.
THe flower cake is beautiful!! Do they make sangria flower cakes so I can send you one? I agree with Santiago we need
more color in our lives.
that is very beautiful
i thought it was a real cake!!! that is beautiful!!!
She did love it - her flower cake. She even put it in the fridge so it would last longer ;)
Well, that was awefully nice of you.
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