Friday, July 15, 2005

My One Year Anniversary

At the end of the month, I celebrate my one year anniversary.

On July 26, we met and became one. The future was uncertain. Would it last forever? Would it be a summer fling?
Was this a fade? Everybody was doing it. I was embarking in a new path/time in my life. It was a confusing but thrilling period. Awakening from the ashes....the darkness....I bolted into the sunlight - twirling deliriously as I spread my wings. Freedom in my grasp.....what a sweet taste......what a refreshing feel. However, the year was not without its heartache. We came close to ending it all......remember my suicidal rant? I'm glad we reconciled. I love you too much to leave you (Dr. V hugs and kisses blog).


Anonymous said...

we're all glad you stayed.

Aleksu said...

I agree with CC, we are so lucky and so grateful you both decided to stay around.

Mariposatomica said...

I think your writing has taken on a life of its own because you stuck it out. Feliz anniversario!