Tuesday, July 05, 2005

to live and die by the pen.....

it may sound extreme but......

when i'm not living, i'm not writing
when i'm not living, i'm not being inspired
when inspiration is amiss, i can't write
it's a signal to reevaluate my life.

inspiration doesn't have to come from something GRAND
it can be ordinary BUT extraordinary to ME (that's the difference)
Blank in my head....blank in my heart.....blank on the page
it is the interactions, the experiences, the love, the heartache, the sorrow, the joy
that lead to writing

when my muses vanish, i'm crushed
but i have no control over my muses,
they are not my possessions....
Sad conclusion.....but true
maybe they were meant to be fleeting....
appearing at the perfect time
provoking me when i was playing it safe....
inspiring me when i was in a drought.....
encouraging me when i wanted to quit
revolutionizing me when i was at a stalemate......
awakening me when i was comatose....
for that i can't hate them for leaving....for disappearing
the positives are what i remember
and what i carry with me everyday
it is why i smile when i hear a tune that reminds me of you,
it is why i smile when i see a photo of you
it is why i smile when i read the words you inspired
it is not a creation of mine
but a creation by us.
i'm left hoping,
hoping our paths cross again,
in this life or the next life,
so thanks for the inspiration.
- with love,


Matt said...

Once again, your words jump off the page.

Mariposatomica said...

You are a writing GODDESS!! It's like you are inspired 24/7 even when you think you are uninspired. Send some inspiration vibes my way plz.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

woah! gee...thanks!
just some randoms thoughts from my late night ponderings on the 4th of july