Tuesday, July 12, 2005

the ugly C word

Today it reared its ugly head....Cancer. It probably destroys someone's life everyday. But today, it was in my office. Not dormant...not in remission..... but alive and seethering. Spreading its destructive claws around someone's body.

I think one of my patients has cancer.....the signs are there. However, I didn't want to say the C word today.....I wasn't prepared for the aftermath once that word left my lips. I think she knows already....senses something especially since she doesn't feel well. I don't want to say it until there is some definite proof of it. I think we both are trying to prepare ourselves mentally and accept the inevitable. What sucks is that she has no insurance.....so she has to wait....wait for that Oncology appt at the County Hospital. If she had insurance or Medicaid, she could see a specialist much sooner. Have surgery sooner. Then they can get the destructive invader out of her, allowing the healing to commence. It makes me so sad....I'm still thinking about her tonight. I'm going to try to see if there is some way to get her an appt with the oncologist sooner. I'm afraid if she waits too long, she'll begin to have complications. I want her to have a chance against this thing.

Today was one of those days where you don't leave spirituality, faith, hope outside of the examining room.


Mariposatomica said...

I hope this woman has many friends and family to support her when the results come back. You are such a good Dr. for trying to get her appointment sooner. I wish these terrible diseases didn't exist.

Anonymous said...

that sucks. can you over ride a waiting list by saying its critical?

Aleksu said...

It is sad, indeed, been there and I do not wish this trial on no one.