Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I've adored him for ages....
seems like forever.
He resonated with me harmonically...
almost instantly,
even when others shunned his voice.
He wasn't a pretty boy,
Didn't have a pretty voice.
But i welcomed him,
Gave him a home
in my heart.
All these years,
never a regret.

Recently I began reading his story.....his beginning and the journey to the present. He - an artist that influenced me.....saved me.......inspired me. He's releasing his "confessions". They are real confessions. Exposing his doubts....his pain....his struggles....his raw emotions....his hopes/dreams....his artistic vision (along with the triumphs/failures). WOW! It only makes him more beautiful to me. He is truly special and sincere. No bullshit from him. Now i see the source/reason for his fiery determination.

I'm falling for him all over again.....this time with a deeper understanding of who he is.


Anonymous said...

who is he?

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

inquiring minds want to know?.....i'll tell....eventually. Yeah drvodka is a tease!

but some readers might already guess who he is...

Matt said...

The mystery keeps your readers coming back, looking for clues that will lead to this person.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

it does sound a bit "foolish" to say these things about him....but it is true...he "saved me"...and continues to inspire me.

Mariposatomica said...

do you want us to do speculative fiction on you?

Anonymous said...

yes, a round of speculative fiction and sangria.