Sunday, August 21, 2005

How Infuriating!

I received an email recently with this message:

Dear Friends,

Buried deep within the No Child Left Behind Act is a provision that requires public high schools to hand over the private contact information of students to military recruiters. If a school does not comply, it risks losing vital federal education funds. As if that weren't bad enough, the Pentagon has now built an illegal database of 30 million 16-25 year olds as another recruitment tool.

Protect our children by helping them "Opt Out"!
Working Assets has helped create the Leave My Child Alone coalition to make it easy to protect children from unwanted military recruiting by getting their names off both Pentagon and high school recruiting lists. To opt your child out, go to:

Even if you don't have children, show your support to repeal this provision.

Repeal No Child Left Behind's Military Recruiting Provision
The Student Privacy Protection Act of 2005 amends section 9528 of No Child Left Behind to prohibit military recruiters from contacting students unless these minors and their parents specifically "opt in" and consent to receive such communications. Click here to become a Citizen Co-Sponsor of the Student Privacy Protection Act.


Anonymous said...

military recruiters are vultures for inner-city kids. its always erked me that the high schools with rotc programs happen to be the schools with a large latino/black population.

Mariposatomica said...

This is infuriating! Thanks for posting. A couple of weeks ago over in Pilsen I saw a hearse, marines standing at attention and the gringo priest in the door way with a huge Virgin of Guadalupe on his holy robes...