Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I think I'm Turning Japanese, I really think so

Evidently people think i'm Asian. Either Japanese or Chinese. Must be my eyes. I find it very strange. Of course when I mention this to the siblings, they respond with,
"Yeah, don't u know u were adopted?!"

And I thought my nopal was obvious.


Anonymous said...

haha, according to my brother i was purchased at the flea market.

Aleksu said...

Well, Native Americans are "filed" under the Mongoloid branch.

AnalisaGuzman said...

can you believe I am also told I look Asian???????? WHAOT?

I would love to turn japanese someday or que alguien me haga un chinito. And if you don't get either, well, ask me at the next meeting....

Mariposatomica said...

analisa are you on your kabuki kick again? You have mischievious amplified with sangria;)