Saturday, August 06, 2005

Red Langosta

When I was on the moutaintops last weekend, I didn't remember to put sunscreen on. Can you blame me, knowing that I was in the Pacific Northwest? The region is more known for rainy, soggy weather. But we were blessed (or cursed) with 90 degree temps and Sunny Skies. I could feel my skin heating up like a stove burner, but didn't imagine how red i would become. To my horror, when i arrived "home", there was a permanent blush courtesy of the dear Sol. Furthermore my skin was aching. Upon further inspection, I see it. NO! My arms and chest have intense red sunburns. In fact, my arms are tricolored - pale, brown, and fire engine red. The mark on my chest is like a Scarlet Letter - not an "A" in my case- but a "V" from my shirt's collar. (Hey "V" for vodka?) It looks F*cked Up! Not even centered on my chest - skewed to the right. Can't wear any plunging necklines for a few days....weeks.

Then a roar of laughter........I'll be the Red keep my Orange Chicken friend company :)


Mariposatomica said...

Hope you soaked in oatmeal and put aloe vera on your skin.
You will forever be known as the red langosta;)

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

oatmeal and aloe vera...hmmm...i didn't

but now it is more of a brown "V"

Aleksu said...

I see Blogotitlán is getting quite colorful.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

blex, what colour will u be?

The Saturnyne said...

Hey, and that new V For Vendetta should be out next month... mebbe you could get money off them for being kind enough to advertize it?

Hope it's not too painful, though

